Projects for Organizations
GoGreen PC Tune-Up™
Go Green PC Tune Up™ • 7 point - $89
Advanced Go Green PC Tune Up™ • 21 point - $129
© 2006-2025 Mountain Computers Inc. All rights reserved.
Mountain Computers, Inc.
"The Best Place in Nevada to take your PC & Business"™
Over the past 20 years in Nevada, our team and the company can be found to be helpful with projects completed
serving thousands of customers for businesses, agencies and organizations of various sizes. While we cannot list
them all, we can mention them in brief:
• Major educational entities: Nevada - UNR, GBCC, TMCC, WCSD, WNC
• Major medical and health organizations: Nevada - Renown, ROC, HGH, NRHP
• Major financial institutions: Nevada - Bank of America, Colonial Bank, Nevada State Bank, Heritage Bank
• Major auto dealers: Nevada - Toyota, Honda, Mazda/Kia, GMC/Chevy
• Major consulting firms: Siemens Business Services, KForce, TekSystems, Talent Framework
• Major federal, state, county, and city agencies along with international organizations wishing not to be listed.
• Major law enforcement entities: UNRPD, RPD, DOPS, WCS, HCPD, HCS, HCDA, WCDAO, US Attorneys Office, FBI
Phone Numbers:
Main Office (775) 287-9552
Regular Store Hours:
Please call first. By Appointment Only