GoGreen PC Tune-Up™
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About Mountain Computers Inc.
Mountain Computers Inc.
Oregon Institute of Technology, Founder of Mountain Computers Inc - Andy, OIT CSET 1987-1991. ASOIT, President, IFC Commissioner, Phi Delta Theta Bond #99. Proud of OIT.
Hired directly from OIT to Microsoft - Oregon Institute of Technology, Founder of Mountain Computers Inc - Andy, OIT CSET 1987-1991. ASOIT, President, IFC Commissioner, Phi Delta Theta Bond #99. Proud of OIT.
Andy Flagg, US Army Veteran - '84-96 - US Army, Ft. Riley Kansas - 1st Infantry Division, 34th Infantry Division, 937th Engineer Group, 541st Maintenance Battalion, AIT 76C Quartermaster School Ft. Lee Virginia - Delta House - Basic Training A-5-3 Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri
Andy Flagg, US Army Veteran - '84-96 - US Army, Ft. Riley Kansas - 1st Infantry Division, 34th Engineering Group, 937th Engineering, 541st Maintenance Battalion, AIT 76C Quartermaster School Ft. Lee Virginia - Delta House - Basic Training A-5-3 Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri
Andy Flagg, Bond #99, Oregon Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Oregon Institute of Technology, 1989-1991
4-H Valley View Snorters (Swine) President 3 years, Grand Champion Showmanship, Reserve Grand Champion, Purple, Blue as well as Entemology, Photography - Andy Flagg
Andy Flagg - Lifetime Member - National Rife Association since 2004
Andy Flagg, Friends of the Library Member - Washoe County Nevada since 2010
Serving and Proud Member of BPOE 597 - Reno Nevada - since 2005
Andy Flagg - a Wikipedian and annual donor.
University of Phoenix, MBA/TM v4, PhD candidate - DM Organizational Leadership
IT Business Advisory Committee since - Truckee Meadows Community College
Intuit - Developer Relations
GoGreen PC Tune-Up™
Go Green PC Tune Up™ • $19.95
© 2006-2025 Mountain Computers Inc. All rights reserved.
Mountain Computers, Inc.
"The Best Place in Nevada to take your PC & Business"™
Retail Store Closed
Old Office Location / Address:
490 E 8th St. Reno, Nevada 89512
Phone Numbers:
Main Office (775) 287-9552
• Old store Location (map / satellite)
Regular Store Hours:
Please call first. By Appointment Only.
Mountain Computers was founded in April 2006. The retail and business store opened in May 2006.

The original retail store officially closed November 2021. Business on-site and remote support was available until December 2022.

Referrals for IT Support was available by request until July 2023.

ps. our entire back story and history has been archived for posterity and if need be future reference.